Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Persons

Well, we ended doing some roleplaying tonight, but it wasn't Star Wars. Which is good and bad. Bad because Star Wars RP is always epic with strong characters, storyline, and gameplay, and we're not doing that. Good because The Persons is the most fun RPG to gamemaster. Ever.
The Persons is a spinoff of The People, an RPG we played last year.
Further Explanation: The People was a game that I developed an entire system for, wrote the storyline for, and gamemastered. It was a huge experiment, that, for the most part, went over very well. The system is insanely simple, as you have two attributes-Physical and Mental-and no perks or skills. It allowed and allows for newcomers to be able to focus on the fun part of RPGs (roleplaying) and less on what extensive list of abilities they have selected from numerous other extensive lists.

The story is an intellectual survival mystery, in which the players must find several people, who are murderers, in a fantasy world, only to realize, at the end, that they are "The People", and they have been parading around inside their own insane minds. Also, every session the players would start the same way, and at the end they would all die, but each time they came back, the world slowly fell apart.

My gamemastering was sporadic, nearly everything was determined by random encounter charts; I had one for creatures, weapons, traps etc. That was fun for the players, though, as they would come across crazy enemies and weapons all the time.


This year, I have taken most of the good things from The People and started The Persons. I improved character creation for more balanced heroes. I added races, purely because of the setting(it is set in the Twilight Imperium universe). But, best of all, I have not written any form of a story at all. It allows the game world to be more fluid, and lets me explore my galaxy as much as my players. Fun for all.

So, yeah. I will be posting a dramatic play-by-play of our last session soon, so check it. Also, I will introduce players. Yeah.

I'm tired. Let me sleep.

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